Shumway school house

A one room school house made of soft red brick with student names from yesteryear etched in them. It has a bell steeple at the front. The inside is a typical one room school house setting. Al Shumway: "In 1893 a log meeting house was built. It was replaced in 1900 by a brick building which was used both as a chapel and a school house. Much of the work done on the building was done by John Zane (Billy) Jones. His pay was the logs from the old chapel. The chief carpenter for the building was a Mr. Reynolds The masonry was done by George Gardener and his son Charles, of Snowflake. Neil Hansen of Lakeside did the plastering". Al further states: "I was only about nine or ten years old at the time but I remember very well standing on the scaffold and passing brick and mortar from my father Wilson G. Shumway to the masons. The building must have been finished shortly after the turn of the century."

Interior pictures

September 2nd 2024 at 5pm, free pie, and music by White Mountain Air, 5 piece brass quintet.